O.k. my Auburn tigers did horribly on Saturday. I have to wear a Georgia dawgs hat of my husband's choosing next year. Wait until next year. Now we just have to beat Bama. If we don't we will have had a horrible year.
I must recommend to anyone that they get in the woods a half and hour before sunrise at least once a year. It is such an experience. I try to do it a least once a year. While you are sitting up in a tree a half and hour or so before sunlight, all is quiet in the world. There is nothing but darkness. Once the sun begins to arise the chipmunks and squirrels begin to awake and come down from their trees. First you hear the rustling of leaves and then the scraping of bark as they make their decent. The next thing you begin to hear are the different birds awakening. Occasionally before light, you might hear a great horned owl hooting and answering from one of his brothers. As the sun comes up further in the sky, you begin to hear the rooster crowing, cows beginning to moo and cars beginning to go down the road several miles away. As I said earlier there is no experience like it. It makes you aware of your place within God's plan.
I hunted hard all weekend. Up before dawn and in the woods until 11 or noon each day and then back around 3:00 to 3:30 until dark. We came back last night because Paul had to work. I got up this morning and got in the woods about 15 minute before first light. I have not seen a deer from stand all weekend. I froze this morning and decided to call it a week. I might hunt after church on Sunday. After freezing all weekend that tropical department with no air is looking pretty good.
Intimacy, without Commitment
1 week ago
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