Thursday, May 22, 2008

How Does Your Garden Grow?

I've been working a lot of days over the last few weeks. I haven't had a whole lot of time to post. Paul, on the other hand, has been very busy. Last weekend he prepared the garden for the year. We have tomatoes, bush and pole beans, yellow squash, green and red peppers. This year we are growing tomatoes two different ways. We are putting them in the big garden instead of big buckets. We are also trying to grow upside down tomatoes. The poles have been placed around the beans and of course a big fence around to keep the deer out.

Speaking of deer, yesterday, I saw a momma deer. She looks about two to three weeks away from dropping her baby. She was feeding in the back yard. She got as close as foot away from the house. I am real excited to know that we will have another generation born on our property. I just hope they will survive without the local dogs and coyotes getting the fawns.

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