Sunday, March 29, 2009

Spring is Here!

After weeks of snow, tornadoes and rain, Spring is finally here. Last week when I was at work, a person came up and asked me what tree was blooming that was of a lilac color. I being the Librarian that I am tried to look at tree books and the Internet to answer the lady's question. Unfortunately for the woman, I couldn't find the answer. I thought maybe Wisteria, even though it was not a tree. When Paul and I were coming back from church, I was mentioning the lady's question. As we drove up the driveway, I noticed our redbud tree. There was the answer, to bad I didn't notice or think of it earlier.

Today while we were eating breakfast, I noticed a chickadee making a hole in one of the deer targets. Apparently, the bird is planning to make the deer target home for it's new arrivals. I guess we won't be able to shoot arrows for awhile until the baby birds are born and leave.

If only it would be nice and sunny so I can go fishing......

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