Sunday, August 9, 2009

In Him

A couple weeks ago things at worked really started changing at work. It began with the Assistant Branch Manager asking for a new position. For her it was a great move. For us left at the branch, it is was the beginning of significant changes. A few days later the Access Service manager was transferred to another location. For her, it was move she had asked for many months ago. Again a good move for her, but for the branch had another big change. The final change is temporary. The Branch Manager had scheduled a three week vacation that coincided with all of these changes.

What does it have to do with me, you might ask. Well for the next few weeks, I am the only "management" person left in the building. This means that I am currently doing my job plus big chunks of four other people. My first thought was this isn't fair! I can't do it! Here goes my stress level. Notice all of the first thoughts were on ME.

As I was reading through my Church's reading plan. We were reading the book of John. Specifically, the week of all of the big changes, I was reading John 18-20. It hit me as I was reflecting at lunch that Christ had been through greater changes than I had. He gave HIS life for me and my sins so I could be reborn. I began to have a shift change about my attitude... it's not about me but about Jesus and his people.

Today as I listened to Scott's message about being "in" Jesus, another thought came to me. The more that I read His word and pray to him daily, the less my stress level and the more I am aware that I am called to do his work. It is my hope that through this situation where eyes are upon me from my co-workers that I am the light of Christ shining out to them. If I focus inwardly towards myself, I can easily have an attitude of self pity or frustration. Instead I choose to be in a relationship with Christ on a minute by minute basis. My hope and goal is to look upward and towards Christ each time I find myself thinking about myself and how hard it is going. "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26 NIV

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