Thursday, March 27, 2008

Coyotes and wildlife!

A coyote standing by a road in ArizonaImage from WikipediaI heard and read of coyotes in North Atlanta. Coyotes are not only moving in to suburban Atlanta, they are having a major impact on many of the native wildlife here. The opening of hunting season started last Saturday. Unfortunately, for those who enjoy hunting these great birds or for those who enjoy seeing them in the woods the coyotes have done damage. The turkey population has decreased over the last ten years or so. We as humans have made some impact as we sprawl and take over the habitat. The coyotes prey on the young turkeys, often killing them when they are in the baby stage.

The coyotes, I think are also impacting the deer herd. I know on my properties and the ones that my husband and I lease for recreational purposes, we have seen less deer. We have seen an increase of coyotes in the area. Here where we live, we can hear at night the coyotes yapping. The coyotes do not have any prey after them so I wonder will they rule the woods and all our beloved pets???

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