Thursday, April 24, 2008

Wii Fever

High Res Super Mario 3Image by steveyb via FlickrWell I have joined the Wii fever. I suggested at my work to look at buying a few for programming. It is a great way to get people into the library. I have seen articles where it has been used for Seniors to be able to be a little active where they haven't been for years. The Wii console comes with one remote, one nunchuck, and four games. The games include: bowling, tennis, boxing and baseball. I originally thought that I just needed to buy the game console and that was it. In doing research, I have discovered that the Wii eats batteries. You should invest in charging stations and rechargeable batteries. You also need to buy additional remotes and nunchuncks for each additional person that would like to play. Our assistant director is excited about the Wii fit. It is an accessory of the Wii console and also needs batteries. There are third parties that have created charging stations for each of the accessories that all need additional batteries.

I just bought a Wii for my birthday that is coming up. I hope to get it sometime today. For work, we have additional questions such as do the projectors that we already own to show movies work with the Wii. If not, we need to budget in money for a projector. What we originally thought would only cost $400 for two systems, we are now looking at a little over $1,000 to set us up for Wii programming. I think the money will be worth it in the long run but with a limited budget, we may need to make some hard decisions.

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