Saturday, September 26, 2009


Fall to me is a mixture of comings and goings, good and bad. The good is that it is football and deer season. I have been following College football since I was about seven years old. You did not live in my household without watching football. I was lucky, I loved the game as opposed to my dear sweet twin sister who did not. We grew up on Big 10 football. We were born in Iowa University hospital and our mom also went to Penn State. I also loved to play the game (tackle version only!) and played until I got to be about 13 years old.

Deer season is still relatively new to me. I have only been hunting the last 17 years or so. In my current household, you better love the outdoors. We camp most of October and November. There is nothing like the whole family spending time together.

The bad of the season, for me, is all the deaths that have occurred in October and November. I lost the most important women in my life, my mom and grandmother in December and November. Paul lost his dad in December.

Although the bad can be painful, we can not fully appreciate the good times without the bad ones. If everything was rosy all the time, I would not appreciate the times I have with my family and husband. Some of my favorite memories in the fall are watching football with my husband before or after a hunt. The beauty of the woods reminds me of God's hand in all that is in my life. I am glad Fall is here and it is my favorite time of the year, good and bad together.


Chris Queen said...

So how did you wind up in the South?

covingtonoutdoor said...

My father had a choice of New Orleans or Atlanta when he graduated with his PHD. My parents choose Atlanta. I am thankful for that decision and know that God's hand has been there in my life with all of the situations I have had in my life. Sounds like another blog post, I need to write.

trey bailey said...

this is good wife lost her dad two octobers i can relate to the bittersweet visions of mums and pumpkins..nice to remember the good times though and to be thankful for the current.
thanks for the reminder.