Friday, October 23, 2009

Cultivating a Relationship

This is a plant that Paul has had since 1976. He has watered it, taken it outside during the Spring and Summer and has fertilized it every year. All of that care plus trimming it from year to year has kept this plant vibrant for decades.

The relationships that are in our life are just like Paul's relationship with this plant. We must spend time with the folks that we are in a relationship. I know that if I don't spend time with the people in my life, I don't learn what they are about nor do I grow with them. When my twin sister was overseas in the early 90's, we hardly were in contact with each other for a year or more at a time. I didn't know what made her tick at the time nor the trials and tribulations that she was encountering during that period of time. Today, I make an effort to try and talk to her at least once every other week. Sometimes, I am wrapped up in my life and I have to make a conscience effort to pick up the phone to see what is up in her life.

At the same time, if I want to have a relationship with Christ, I must make the effort to spend time with him. Whether it be spending time talking to him in prayer or spending time reading the bible and listening to what he has to say to me. These are things that I need to do to grow my relationship with him. Cultivating relationships take time and are a big investment. The example of the plant shows to me that with that investment, you can have a long and growing relationship for years to come.

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